
Sunday 22 June 2014

Why cloth sanitary pads?

Hello everyone <3 I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the summer.
I thought I'd share with you some of my favourite reasons to ditch the mainstream sanitary products in the shops, and switch to cloth. Even though, many moon times ago, ladies would have used cloth (as there was no other option), to many people nowadays cloth sanitary pads are a new thing - and it may seem a little weird, even gross maybe... so here are my favourite reasons.. (please remember I am no scientist, or medical expert, but I have done quite a bit of research into this subject, and have had a lot of feedback from customers, as well as being a cloth pad user for quite a few years)!

  • Cloth sanitary pads save you money.
  • Just like cloth nappies save a fortune, cloth sanitary pads are the same principal. A good set of cloth pads, night seem like a pain to buy at first, but if taken care of will possibly last you for years! No more rushing out to buy them each month!

  • Cloth sanitary pads are less harmful to the environment
So apparently, the average woman will use 16,800 pads in a lifetime! That's a lot of jam rags going into landfill! And they don't break down easily (unless you buy the more expensive bio-degradable brands). In fact, it is said that they take around 500 years to decompose properly. Consider that on top of the trees, plastic, chemicals etc used to produce disposable sanitary wear! If you like to be careful about your environmental impact, disposable pads just aren't the best option. Cloth pads or mooncup all the way!

  • Disposable sanitary pads contain harmful chemicals
Manufacturers of feminine disposable wear are not required to disclose the ingredients in their products, so there is no way of knowing exactly what is in them although it is known that they do contain a number of plasticising chemicals, petrochemical additives, synthetic fibres, dioxin from the bleaching process. A lot of these chemicals have been linked to endocrine disruption infertility and cancer. The skin, especially the delicate skin around and in your vagina is highly permeable and toxins can get absorbed quickly into your bloodstream. Go figure!
Washable cloth pads are made using safe natural materials, usually cotton.

  • Wearers of cloth sanitary pads have been known to have lighter periods
A number of people who have suffered from unbearably heavy periods, now swear by cloth sanitary pads, and even claim that it has made their period a lot lighter! It is thought that some of the chemicals contained in disposable sanitary pads can actually cause you to bleed more!

  • Cloth pads don't smell!
Most cloth sanitary pad users will find that they don't notice any smell, even after wearing their pads for a long time! This could be because the natural materials are more breathable. Or it could be because they are magic. ;) They are also easy to wash - you can just pop them in with your ordinary washing and let the washing machine take care of it for you. To prevent stains you could soak them in cold water and a little lavender essential oil first.  

  • Cloth pads are prettier
It doesn't have to feel all medical and boring changing your sanitary pad! Choose something that looks pretty instead! It might even make you smile :)

  • Cloth pads are comfier
Sticky plasticky feeling making you feel  hot, sweaty, itchy and frustrated?  I so don't miss that! Cloth pads are so comfy that you might not even remember you are wearing them!

  • It's liberating!
It might seem strange to say, but it kinda feels liberating wearing cloth pads. Knowing that you don't have to give money to the big disposable plastic pad companies, that you are reducing your impact on the planet, and that you are taking gentle care for your health!

  • An alternative or addition to mooncup
Mooncups are also a great money saving, eco-friendly option, however many women, find that they can't use a mooncup, for many reasons. Cloth pads are a great alternative if you are someone who likes to live a natural, healthier lifestyle and don't get on with menstrual cups.  I personally prefer to use pads as it seems more obvious to me that the blood should flow out, and not remain clogged up for hours inside of you. This is my personal preference though and not something that is scientifically backed up.
You might also like to use cloth pads for added protection from leaks, whilst wearing your moon cup!

So why not give cloth moon pads a go?

Much love,
Mermaid mama xxx

(any questions? Send me a message! and please keep your eyes peeled for the announcing of my etsy shop, which will be coming soon)