
Sunday 22 June 2014

Why cloth sanitary pads?

Hello everyone <3 I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the summer.
I thought I'd share with you some of my favourite reasons to ditch the mainstream sanitary products in the shops, and switch to cloth. Even though, many moon times ago, ladies would have used cloth (as there was no other option), to many people nowadays cloth sanitary pads are a new thing - and it may seem a little weird, even gross maybe... so here are my favourite reasons.. (please remember I am no scientist, or medical expert, but I have done quite a bit of research into this subject, and have had a lot of feedback from customers, as well as being a cloth pad user for quite a few years)!

  • Cloth sanitary pads save you money.
  • Just like cloth nappies save a fortune, cloth sanitary pads are the same principal. A good set of cloth pads, night seem like a pain to buy at first, but if taken care of will possibly last you for years! No more rushing out to buy them each month!

  • Cloth sanitary pads are less harmful to the environment
So apparently, the average woman will use 16,800 pads in a lifetime! That's a lot of jam rags going into landfill! And they don't break down easily (unless you buy the more expensive bio-degradable brands). In fact, it is said that they take around 500 years to decompose properly. Consider that on top of the trees, plastic, chemicals etc used to produce disposable sanitary wear! If you like to be careful about your environmental impact, disposable pads just aren't the best option. Cloth pads or mooncup all the way!

  • Disposable sanitary pads contain harmful chemicals
Manufacturers of feminine disposable wear are not required to disclose the ingredients in their products, so there is no way of knowing exactly what is in them although it is known that they do contain a number of plasticising chemicals, petrochemical additives, synthetic fibres, dioxin from the bleaching process. A lot of these chemicals have been linked to endocrine disruption infertility and cancer. The skin, especially the delicate skin around and in your vagina is highly permeable and toxins can get absorbed quickly into your bloodstream. Go figure!
Washable cloth pads are made using safe natural materials, usually cotton.

  • Wearers of cloth sanitary pads have been known to have lighter periods
A number of people who have suffered from unbearably heavy periods, now swear by cloth sanitary pads, and even claim that it has made their period a lot lighter! It is thought that some of the chemicals contained in disposable sanitary pads can actually cause you to bleed more!

  • Cloth pads don't smell!
Most cloth sanitary pad users will find that they don't notice any smell, even after wearing their pads for a long time! This could be because the natural materials are more breathable. Or it could be because they are magic. ;) They are also easy to wash - you can just pop them in with your ordinary washing and let the washing machine take care of it for you. To prevent stains you could soak them in cold water and a little lavender essential oil first.  

  • Cloth pads are prettier
It doesn't have to feel all medical and boring changing your sanitary pad! Choose something that looks pretty instead! It might even make you smile :)

  • Cloth pads are comfier
Sticky plasticky feeling making you feel  hot, sweaty, itchy and frustrated?  I so don't miss that! Cloth pads are so comfy that you might not even remember you are wearing them!

  • It's liberating!
It might seem strange to say, but it kinda feels liberating wearing cloth pads. Knowing that you don't have to give money to the big disposable plastic pad companies, that you are reducing your impact on the planet, and that you are taking gentle care for your health!

  • An alternative or addition to mooncup
Mooncups are also a great money saving, eco-friendly option, however many women, find that they can't use a mooncup, for many reasons. Cloth pads are a great alternative if you are someone who likes to live a natural, healthier lifestyle and don't get on with menstrual cups.  I personally prefer to use pads as it seems more obvious to me that the blood should flow out, and not remain clogged up for hours inside of you. This is my personal preference though and not something that is scientifically backed up.
You might also like to use cloth pads for added protection from leaks, whilst wearing your moon cup!

So why not give cloth moon pads a go?

Much love,
Mermaid mama xxx

(any questions? Send me a message! and please keep your eyes peeled for the announcing of my etsy shop, which will be coming soon)

Monday 26 May 2014

Raw chocolate and cloth pad giveaway

So - how many of you ladies crave chocolate when you have your period? 
I know I certainly do! About a week before my period, and then during the whole entire menstrual mayhem I seem to turn into some sort of monster who can only be tamed with chocolate! 


Well!! When we ovulate and our hormones go a bit haywire. The stress hormone, cortisol increases and our feel good hormone, serotonin is often low. (which explains the monthly monster outbreak)!  

Often when we're feeling the rage of an oncoming period we can feel tearful, snappy, anxious and depressed, right? 

Well, Chocolate!!! one of the reasons we may crave chocolate during our period could be because of it's ability to mimic serotonin and release endorphins, chemicals which make us feel happier. Of course  we often crave things such as carbs, sugar and fats as these also contain quick but brief bursts of serotonin....

....which is where the chocolate cravings can become a little inconvenient. Cacao, or chocolate in it's natural form is actually good for us, and could be of great nutritional value to your body during your cycle - but when laden with fats and sugar and all of the other junk such as genetically modified soy lecithin that goes into a bar of chocolate, the nutritional value is very low. Sugary treats stress the liver leading do diabetes and lack of nutrient absorption. It can cause weight gain, sleep problems and unhealthy cravings. Ultimately, in the long run, after the initial rush - it makes us feel worse.How annoying!!

BUT - you might already know - but DID you know that you can eat chocolate and be healthy? A healthy form of chocolate exists that is so delicious, you wouldn't be able to look at a 'normal' bar of chocolate the same way again? Have you tried RAW chocolate?

Raw chocolate, in it's natural unheated form contains an array of wonderful minerals such as iron, magnesium, natural antioxidants (which protect the body from ageing  - the opposite effect of conventional chocolate), I could go on... but it also contains anandamide (known as the bliss chemical) - need  say more??


Mermaid Mama Moonpads are currently having a giveaway with Raw nibbles, who make very delicious raw chocolate yummies.

How's this for a periodical treat - some funky comfortable cloth pads and a decadent healthy, bliss tastic raw chocolate treat to munch whilst you are contemplating the tragedies of thousands of plastic sanitary pads rotting away clogging up some landfill. 

To be in with a chance of winning, follow this link to read what you need to do to enter

Or if you can't wait, go check out

Good luck!!
Much love <3 
Natanya Joy 

Sunday 16 February 2014

Amazing Mermaid mama moonpads testimonial!

Hey everyone!!!

I just want to share with you something which made me smile this week :) I had an amazing testimonial from a lovely customer, which she has very kindly and bravely let me share. It made my day, here it is; 

''I have ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a connective tissue disorder. 95% of our body is made up of connective tissue so as you can imagine, it affects us a lot! My periods had been so heavy that I had resorted to using nappies and was still waking up or standing up to a horror movie style blood bath. I'd stand in the shower weak and sobbing in a puddle of blood in agony with cramps and joint pain with a lake of crimson in my bed and a river of blood leading to the bathroom. I have a 25 day cycle which seems even more cruel and spent all my non-bleeding days dreading the next gruesome episode.

Those with ehlers-danlos seem to be more sensitive, sensitive to everything. We are plagued with allergies, skin problems, and digestive issues and many of us have serious menstrual problems. One person I was talking to the problem about suggested it was possible the chemicals in the absorbent pads could be causing a reaction.

I tried the Mooncup. I leaked all over the top of it, and the pain inside was unbearable. I discovered after my uterus and bladder was prolapsed and other organs had slipped too. Mooncup or anything inserted was not going to be an option for me.

I saw some other Moonpads but they were far outside my price range until yours popped up. They were perfect and the articles you posted were informative and I felt I could trust you. When I wrote to you, you responded quickly, you listened well and were very kind and sympathetic. Thank you.

When my pads came it was a few days before my cycle and I was actually really excited instead of feeling the usual dread. I also felt some apprehension, in case they bled through, in case they didn't work. I put the biggest pads on when my period started and I was amazed. 
In the morning there was no blood bath. The pad had absorbed everything! I stood up expecting the big gush, but it didn't happen quite so bad and the pad took everything. I could not believe I had clean sheets, clean pyjamas and even clean pants! 
The second day for me is usually the heaviest, I'd use five large nappies in that day with leaks or up to 18 of the largest pads available with leaks. 
The second day came, the pads absorbed everything. Not a single spill, smudge or leak, and I only had to change them 4 times!!

I had none of the terrible cramping. The pads were so easy to wash and they did not stain. They were easy and comfortable to use. I felt so much better with them and for the first time actually enjoyed and felt at peace with my flow. This really is a miracle to me. I am so grateful to you and for the work and love that you put into making your moon pads!!''

Wow!! I was so over the moon when I read her testimonial. It feels great that my moonpads have really helped someone in a big way. I hope that they continue to help with her menstrual problems. 
 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome really does sound awful! 

I would love to hear other testimonials from customers weather they are good or bad, long or short or if you want them shared publicly or not! It's so great to get feedback <3

Natanya xxx

Friday 31 January 2014

Moonpads galore!!!

Hello there!! 

Welcome to my new blog :) 

My name is Natanya Joy and I am a holistic therapist specializing in women's health - which includes massage, aromatherapy, reflexology, nutritional advice and making lots of eco friendly moon pads. But mostly I'm just a busy homeschooling single mama. Trying to juggle everything at once? It's hard, but easier when you're doing something you love! (and when you pray a lot)!

I have a passion for natural living and natural parenting, living nutrition, and helping people to enjoy living a more healthy eco-friendly lifestyle. 

I have been a fully trained practicing holistic therapist since 2009 but it was only until just a year or so ago, when my passion for women's health emerged. I was emptying my moon cup in my bathroom one day, whilst my friend was outside honking her horn waiting to pick me up - and my son, who was about five at the time threw the window wide open and shouted to my friend (and everyone in the street) ''MAMMA'S JUST CHANGING HER MOONCUP''.... my friend and I have laughed about it ever since, and discussed many women's health qualms and I thought 'actually, this is probably my favorite topic of conversation,' and so the idea for moon pads just sort of happened. It was at a time in my life when I needed to go self-employed so I just thought 'hey, I'll make moonpads' - and horray they have really taken off!

I LOVE getting messages from happy customers telling me how much they like them.  


Mermaid Mama Moon pads are made using an absorbent material called Zorb, fleece, and lots of pretty colored fabric, and quirky buttons to tie them up.  Sometimes I use recycled fabric because I LOVE creation and like to look after it in as many ways as possible, but sometimes I buy fabric from the actual fabric shop too, if I think it looks pretty. 
Individually they are £6.50 each
or they come in sets:
set of three: £17.50
set of six: £30

I also make panty liners for £4.50 each of a set of three for £10

And I make nursing pads, but I can't find a picture of those right now.

Thank you for reading my first blog post! I will blog weekly about periods, nutrition, recipes, and concoctions as well as keeping all of my customers up to date about Moonpads so you can follow it if you want to. The more followers, they more excited I will be :) 

Natanya xxx